Who we are?

We are small and passionate team willing to create helpful software applications and tools. Our goal is to create software that helps people enjoy the multimedia world. We are working on different kind of projects and we give best of us to provide high quality software applications.
The DeviceOnline project
DeviceOnline is a free project that allows the exchange of multimedia content between various smart devices. The device online software can stream media content from a computer to various UPnP / DLNA devices like Smart TV, Mobile Phones and more.
With DeviceOnline software and services, you can wirelessly send video and audio content from your computer to your television set. This way we can enjoy the power of the big screen and watch your favorite movies.
The DeviceOnline project is still evolving and our team is providing frequent updates and improvements.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of problems, feature requests or just a chat.